You Are Pure Happiness

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Taking the leap

Most of us are not quite ready to vulnerable ourselves especially during this historical time. It requires us to bring attention to ourselves and others. We can gently allow the unexpected flow to come through to expose and experience our fears.

Our fears are due to environmental circumstances. But more often than not it’s the story we tell ourselves and others.

Are we willing to take that leap? Are we ready to be vulnerable? Are we willing to empty the old mind patterns and replace them with fresh vitamins?

The mind wants us to ignore the absolute truth by keeping us occupied in many crafty ways.

But something deep inside us feels this perpetual itch like mosquitoes in the summer that don’t go away. It keeps scratching and scratching. It “bugs” you. It doesn’t stop and it keeps wanting your attention. At some point sooner or later this has to stop. Otherwise we get caught in our own web of entanglement.

How do we get through?

We can find a deeper truth. A simple yet profound answer from Eckhart Tolle is to be fully in the present moment.

NOW jump from the rabbit hole into the deep soul. This dissolves away bugs, varmints and egos.

From here, we can experience what it’s like to be absolutely empty and free. Is there a feeling of relief, joy or happiness? Nothing? You can find out for yourself with no imagination or interpretation. It is important that it is directly true for you.

Meditation, mindfulness and consciousness offer a taste of what that’s like. We can begin to experience what Jesus described as the peace that passes all understanding.

This is the voice of stillness which can also be said to be the voice of God. Not as an ideology but as a place of pure awareness.

When we understand this, we understand our Buddha nature and our Christ consciousness, pure love and pure happiness. Once you realize this, you are home. The point of no return.